
Reflection, Travel

Colorado in a Campervan: Brit and Jen’s Miles Through the Mountains

This trip had long been overdue. For years, my best friend Jen and I dreamed about taking a grand adventure together. Both of us are full of wanderlust and we rarely see each other, a downfall of the 2,300 miles separating us. We’ve tried a thousand times to figure something out. Work, school, life, money… Continue reading Colorado in a Campervan: Brit and Jen’s Miles Through the Mountains


The Depression of a Perpetually Happy Person

At first, I couldn’t find the words, the words to describe how a person who is always happy, a person who is always searching for the positive in a situation, a person - me - could fall into depression or how that depression makes a perpetually happy person feel. Being a writer, not being able… Continue reading The Depression of a Perpetually Happy Person

Reflection, Uncategorized

To Those Who Choose to Never Be Called Mom.

Mothers are amazing. I know this because I am lucky enough to call one of them my own. I, however, made the conscious decision to never become one myself. Once upon a time, in a portion of my life that seems so long ago it almost doesn’t seem real anymore, I thought I wanted to… Continue reading To Those Who Choose to Never Be Called Mom.


Fall In the Gorge…                         (please don’t actually fall)

I had decided to take this trip almost a month ago – basically on a weekend I spent in Red River Gorge. The leaves had started to change already at that point so I thought what better peak weekend than this one. Though, this prediction was incorrect (*cue the ridiculous summer heat wave that hit… Continue reading Fall In the Gorge…                         (please don’t actually fall)